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Our caring pediatric dentists and team will do everything possible to help your child feel comfortable and at ease during their time at Rockland Pediatric Dental and Orthodontics. If your child experiences anxiety or fear, we may recommend nitrous oxide sedation to help them feel more at ease while receiving treatment.

Pediatric Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a colorless gas with a slightly sweet odor. It is one of the gentlest and mildest forms of sedation available and is an excellent option for helping children feel comfortable during their dental treatments.

When your child comes in, we will request that he or she arrive on an empty stomach (no food or drink for at last two hours before their procedure). Our pediatric dentists will simply fit a small mask over their nose. As they breathe in the gas through the mask, they will start to feel calmer and more relaxed. Your child may tell you that they feel like they are floating. After your child finishes treatment, our pediatric dentists will gradually decrease the flow of gas until your child has recovered from its effects. We will monitor your child closely throughout the treatment to ensure safety and comfort and provide instructions for you to help them continue to recover at home.

Schedule An Appointment

Call us today at 845-634-8900 to make an appointment with Dr. Dorit Hermann, Dr. Anne Chaly and Dr. Clarissa Marcovich and find out more about pediatric nitrous oxide sedation in New City, New York!

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